We are running the "Mind Your Own Business" course on Zoom using the new Africa Edition workbook.
The sessions will start on Saturday 28 Jan @ 11am GMT (2pm Uganda), then the same time Feb 4, 11, 18. Each session will be approximately 90 minutes. This somewhat shortened programme will be suitable for those who want to start their own business and also for potential trainers. Course language is English but Zoom provides speech-to-text captions in a variety of languages including French.
Participants will need an exercise book and pen. If you want to deliver this course to others it is essential to have a copy of the workbook, which can be downloaded here. Others will also find the workbook helpful but it is not essential.
There will be homework between the sessions for those starting their own business.
There is no charge. Register to receive the Zoom link.
"The MYOB book... is simply amazing! Such a wealth of knowledge communicated easily for entrepreneurs (such as myself) starting out" (Financial professional, Uganda)
This is awesome... I love the way you have made this version simpler with understandable English vocabulary! It's is easy to use and straight forward with guiding questions for the trainer/facilitator (Director of a vocational training organisation, Uganda)