"The MYOB book... is simply amazing! Such a wealth of knowledge communicated easily for entrepreneurs (such as myself) starting out" (Financial professional, Uganda)

"I really like your MYOB workbook – I must have read quite a lot of these over the years and yours is excellent, comprehensive, easily understood and up to date" (TEN Member, UK)

"Hi Jerry.  I just wanted you to know I have your wonderful “Mind Your Own Business” program now and must say it is so comprehensive I’m immensely impressed and this is coming from an experienced Transition Life Coach.  For anyone reading this, if you’re looking for a road map about starting a business, take a look at this free resource Jerry is offering.  You will benefit greatly by taking advantage of this important work." (From Restless website)

Original edition

Our original “Mind your own business” business start up workbook can be used anywhere but the regulatory content has particular reference to the UK. It can be used by individuals but is best used by a small group working together. Download free below. 

Part 1 of the workbook includes inspiration stories and looks at personal qualities needed; Part 2 is the core start up programme including what business to start, market research, marketing, planning, costs, cash flow, profits, structure, name and funding sources; and Part 3 gives further vital information on running a business including online presence, sales development, promotion, reporting, compliance, information security, growth strategy, exporting and how to sell the business.

TWR podcasts on the workbook are available here. Videos of Jerry in conversion with CREO about 1. marketing and 2. cashflow are available here. 

Africa / developing world edition

This new version (published November 2022) is based on experience of delivering the material in rural Africa but within reach of a town. The language is simplified where possible so that it is suitable for who speak English as a second language. Relevant examples and business ideas are included and it also takes into account growing use of smartphones and Internet connectivity, creating new opportunities for many communities in Africa. It is especially designed to be run as training sessions with a group. Although written with rural Africa in mind, it has been used very successfully in central Asia, Iraq and elsewhere. 

This is awesome... I love the way you have made this version simpler with understandable English vocabulary! It's is easy to use and straight forward with guiding questions for the trainer/facilitator (Director of a vocational training organisation, Uganda)


It may be possible to arrange video or live training on Zoom based on the workbooks. This can be for both those planning to start a business and those wanting to deliver the training in person. Participants can join individually or in a small group. Check the events page and / or contact Jerry ([email protected]) to discuss.

Mind Your Own Business Workbook, UK / developed world
Mind Your Own Business Workbook International Edition (Africa / Asia / developing world)
Occupez-Vous de vos Propre Affaires Edition Internationale (International version in French)
Itunganirize Urudandazwa Rwawe (International version in Kirundi) Sponsored by Northwich Rotary Club and U-Invest
Template for Cash Flow
Template for business plan

Other business start up resources are available!


Rob and Jane Garratt were inspired by God to prepare this short community income development course, which has been used across Asia and Africa with incredible effect. As a result there are 86,000 community income programmes in Kenya alone. Much of this success is around a change of mindset, focussing on what we have, not what we don't have. It is available in many languages. The contents are in fact very similar to MYOB but shorter. The MYOB Africa edition includes some elements of the 5000+ resources (notably section 2). Click the link to see the range of languages and also for information on setting up community saving and lending schemes.


This is the material, developed by Mike Clargo and others who were part of TBN, used initially in Uganda then elsewhere in Africa and Asia. It was the basis for MYOB, which was re-written for a UK rural context ("Germinate Enterprise"), then for a UK and more general international context (MYOB) and then full circle back to the MYOB Africa edition. Do click the link to see the variety of training books and training resources.

Links to other useful business start-up resources

There are other great resources out there. Here are some favourites.

www.oberlo.com/blog/business-ideas-that-make-money has some business ideas for 2022.

www.faithinbusiness.org has useful links and events.

https://www.startuploans.co.uk/ – UK loans up to £25k @ 6%, lots of advice and free mentoring.

www.gov.uk/browse/business – the UK official guide to everything.

www.kickstarter.com/ – the brilliant new way to get funding and customers before you even start. Other brands are available.

https://mycommunity.org.uk/funding-options/raising-finance-options/grants/ – I love grants, you don’t have to pay them back. This is a list of sources.

Unltd.org.uk/our-support/starting-up provides support for social enterprises.

www.aidfortrade.info/ and www.communitydevelopment.net/ have useful resources for developing world businesses and communities

There are more links in the workbooks


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Transformational Enterprise Network is a CIO, registered in England and Wales, Charity Number 1194973
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