TEN is pleased to partner with the STRONGER CONFERENCE ‘24, 9-13th Jan 2024.

The full programme is here:


Tickets are £10 for the whole event and recordings. Take a look and reserve your place here: 



The Stronger Network vision is to be is a platform and network designed to strengthen faith and help people (entrepreneurs and pioneers) impact the world. Hence the close connection with TEN.

The mission is help the UK Church community scattered across society to take pioneering and courageous next steps for God as they each seek to make an impact in the world around them wherever they are called by God, Sunday to Saturday.

The Stronger Conference is an online hosted event from 9-13th January 2024 drawing over 100 speakers together looking at six different themes: Leadership & Influence; Kingdom & Culture; Digital & Social; Communication & Media; Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Business & Finance. The aim is to help strengthen, equip and inspire entrepreneurs and pioneers to move forward in faith and courage in 2024.


A core bible verse for Stronger is Joshua 1.9, ‘be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go’. God was speaking to Joshua before he led the people of God across the Jordan and into the promised land. Movement is integral to this passage. God promised Joshua that his strengthening and empowering presence would be with them as they moved from where they were, to where they needed to be. 

Movement is a theme throughout Scripture. Abraham followed God and moved away from his home country (Gen 12). The Israelites followed God out of slavery in Egypt and through the red sea (Ex 15). The Judges, the Prophets the Priests, the Kings each in their own ways had to go on their own journey of faith. This is what Hebrews 11 describes as it looks back at all the inspiring examples of faith outworking itself in action.

The Church is commissioned to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28), to go to the ends of the earth (Acts 1.8) and to be the salt and light of the world (Matt 5). As signposts of the Kingdom of God we respond to God’s invitation to take a courageous next step into a spacious place, remembering that ‘in him we live and move and have our being’ (Acts 17.28).

It’s over to us, in our weakness and in God’s strength to take new steps into the unknown, responding to a God given passion, and confident that God goes before us.

Transformational Enterprise Network is a CIO, registered in England and Wales, Charity Number 1194973
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